Thursday 25 September 2014

Slimming World Update #1

I was going to make weekly updates about my progress but I never remember to sit down after weigh in and actually write the post - so they'll just be as and when I remember.

I'm now 7 weeks in and have lost 9.5lbs - not a huge number but with my other half having ankle surgery, having a newborn baby, birthdays, meals out and all the other excuses I just haven't been 100% sticking to plan. But a loss is a loss and I'm now 9.5lbs closer to the weight I want to be than I would have been if I'd not bothered trying.

I've challenged myself to have lost 30lbs by Christmas - I reckon this is doable if I try and stick to the plan properly.

So far I am loving Instagram (support, inspiration, motivation...), magazines and a facebook group I joined that is full of suggestions. The meals I have loved most are the chicken pad thai I made the other week, campfire stew (I'll post a recipe soon), chinese chicken curry and I've started most mornings with a syn-free mushroom omelette and baked beans.

I did take some "before" pictures so when I start to see some proper progress I'll upload those. But already my clothes are looser and more comfortable. I have more energy (despite the lack of sleep with Oscar..) and I just feel happy that I have something for myself to be focusing on. I put so much effort into looking after everyone else that I often forget I need looking after too!

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