Sunday 27 July 2014

It's a....

Last Thursday at around 5pm I started getting regular contractions - not too painful and around 20 minutes apart. I'd had so many Braxton Hicks that I knew these were different - but were too far apart to bother going up to the hospital. They carried on getting stronger but at 3am were still 15 minutes apart so I phoned the hospital just to ask if there was anything I could take or do to ease the pain - the midwife suggested a bath, paracetamol and trying to sleep. At 3am I wasn't really feeling like a bath to be perfectly honest and the thought of getting my whale-like pregnant self stuck in a bath at that time of night didn't appeal... I took paracetamol, tried to relax and eventually dropped off to sleep.

The man started work at 6am so was instructed to keep a close watch on his phone. I had a bath mid-morning and an extra nap (figured I'd sleep while I could!) but contractions remained at about 10-15 minutes apart and really manageable. I was due to give birth at the hospital in the next town and we had to pop over that way anyway to collect the little one from school so we decided to ask to be examined (7 minutes apart at this point) and found I was 1cm dilated! ONE! Hey-ho - back home we went. The little one went to stay with her grandparents that night as we were certain things were progressing.

We decided to go for a walk (it was about a 20 minute walk but took us around an hour) to see if that'd help and then I had another bath and got into bed at about 10:30.

1:30am on Saturday morning I woke up in absolute agony! I got out of bed and came downstairs as I found the contractions easier to deal with on all fours on the sofa. I started to time them and they gradually got more painful and closer together - at 4:15am I phoned the hospital and was told to have some breakfast, potter around and make my way over there (my waters hadn't broken so she said we had time). I got myself ready and woke the man up - we even popped into Tesco for some drinks on the way!

When we arrived they said I was 4cm dilated (woohoo!) and so found us a room... but then 3 hours later when the midwives changed over was found to be only 3cm.. (?) and told to either go home or go on the antenatal ward. We opted for the ward as we were so close to being in active labour it seemed daft to drive the whole way home.

We figured the walk helped the first time and so dumped our stuff and headed out of the hospital for a walk. By the time we got back contractions were about 3 minutes apart and continued to get stronger. The man asked if I could have some pain relief and I was given paracetamol (may as well have been smarties for all the good it did!).. we asked when I'd next be examined and was told it'd be a while as they like to wait and I didn't seem to be in too much pain.. (I was... I'm just not the sort to scream my head off on a ward full of strangers!)

At about 12:30pm the man was sent away and I was sent down for lunch. He decided to walk down to the chippy and while I was eating my lunch... my waters broke! I ran to the loo, text the man and bagged up the pad for the midwife (it was green as baby had pooed) and was rushed down to a room on the labour ward. He chucked his chips away (what a waste!) and raced back. Still 3cm on examination but things got heated very quickly.

I was offered gas and air but couldn't get on with it and so was asked if I'd like an epidural - the midwife said I could have a while to go and so it'd be a good idea. By this point I'd have taken almost anything and so was the anesthetist's next port of call.

When he arrived everything just went a bit crazy. The contractions were so close together there was barely a break, he was trying to find a vein, the midwife was taking my blood pressure, I was hanging off the man crying in pain and begging to be left alone for just a minute. I don't remember much of this but from what I'm told the anesthetist tried to put the canula in my left hand but blood squirted everywhere (my hand is still bruised!) and so it went in the right. I had to lean forward on the bed for him to do the epidural...

Next thing I know is I'm lay in bed pain-free! Ah magical epidural! They like to leave it four hours to let things progress and so I next was examined at about 7:30pm - when I was 10cm. You wait an hour before you're allowed to push (I can't remember why..) but in that time baby's heart rate started to look scary - it was dropping after the contractions rather than with them and so a doctor was called.

They let me start to push but the problem kept getting worse. I was allowed to push for about 10 minutes before being prepped for a forceps trial delivery, and potentially a cesarean section. I pushed twice with the forceps before they decided to go ahead with c-section. The man was sat in the corner while more people ran in and they got everything ready. They brought the man back to sit with me (facing away from the action) and he was a mess. I tried to console him but we both had a good cry.

They started the c-section and I don't really remember much of this part. Just lying there listening to my baby's heart on the monitor, holding the man's hand and praying everything would be ok.

And it was. My baby was born at 9:35pm on Saturday 19th July 2014 weighing 7lb 15oz. The man looked as he was born and told me we had a little boy before he was whisked away and we were left crying (happy tears this time). After a little while they brought him - Oscar - over to us and the man held him while I tried to reach and hold his little hand. The two of them were taken away while I was stitched up.
Too small for his hat!

After an age of being flipped and turned I was wheeled out to the recovery room and able to hold and feed my baby. We had about an hour together before little Oscar and I were taken to the postnatal ward and the man was sent home (he didn't even make it back to the house before phoning the hospital to check we were ok!).
My beautiful Oscar
And that's it! How my little bundle of joy was brought to this world. Not perfectly or easily but he's here now - and he is perfect. 

I've just realised this is so long - the little one has been asleep on me the entire time too! Do you know how hard it is to type with one hand? I'll leave it there for now, but updates will come very soon. 


Sunday 20 July 2014

Slimming World Plan: Extra Easy

So as I promised the other day, here is a brief outline of how the Slimming World plan works.

There are three different plans to choose from and four main elements of each of these plans; Superfree, Free, Healthy Extras and Syns. I will just concentrate on the plan I have done before which is Extra Easy as it is the one which offers the most variety and therefore I don't get bored quite so quickly!

Superfree Foods
You can eat an unlimited amount of these foods - and they include most fresh or frozen fruits, and most fresh, frozen or tinned vegetables. The vegetables can have anything done to them - so steamed, boiled, dry-fried, blended... But if you cook or blend the fruits (you can chop them obviously) then they become synned (we'll get to syns in a minute). These should make up a third of each meal that you have.

Free Foods
Again, these are unlimited. These are things like most fat free yogurts, pasta, rice, dried noodles, lean meats, eggs, beans... (you can find a full list of them quite easily online) - these make up the other two thirds of your meals.

Healthy Extras
So you have two: A and B. A is calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, etc. And B is things that contain fibre such as wholemeal bread, cereal bars, dried fruits.. These are not unlimited foods and must be portion-controlled. On the Extra Easy plan you get one of each a day and it is important not to miss them out as they are vital to your weight loss.

And finally, the good stuff. This is everything else. Chocolate, crisps, ketchup, wine... all the stuff that isn't free. You are advised to have between 5 and 15 syns a day and the easiest way to find out how many syns are in something is to give it a quick Google. As I go through the plan I'll compile a list of my favourite syns - but if you search on YouTube there are a lot of "Syn Bin" videos where people talk about things they enjoy spending their syns on. You can have them all in one go if you like, spread them throughout the day or do what I do which is be as good as I can through the day and then after tea have something naughty like chocolate so I feel like I've got something to look forward to.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Postpartum Weight Loss

As I mentioned on Thursday I have gained a significant amount of weight throughout this pregnancy - just because I have been lazy with what I've eaten and have actually not been on a diet for the first time in around 5 years!

My weight is quickly approaching scary territory and I really want to get the weight to start coming off soon. I'm not sure how well the birth will go, and whether or not I'll be back on my feet straight away or not, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to start walking (even just slowly) with the pram. I'm also wanting to tackle my diet - and the plan I know I enjoy and works is Slimming World.

I have done Slimming World before and lost around 1.5 stone when I did it last. I love that I can have all the things I love on the plan - and don't have to count calories or anything like that. What I found before is that it works best if you plan your meals (either weekly/twice a week/fortnightly/whatever works for you) and keep plenty of snacks on hand. I am a grazer throughout the day. I don't always sit down and eat 3 square meals a day - but I quite often find myself in the kitchen picking up something. My plan is to keep a tub in the fridge full of things to pick at that I know are good for me.

The great thing about Slimming World too is that you can do it while breastfeeding - you just have to modify it slightly to ensure you are getting in everything that your body needs.

I don't know how much you know about Slimming World but soon I will write up a basic overview of how the plan works. I don't intend to join a group - just do it myself from home - because there is so much online support on forums, blogs, youtube, etc. I just thought for now I would explain how I plan on shifting this extra weight!

Friday 18 July 2014

Squishy Report: 40 weeks pregnant


How far gone? 40 weeks! Time to come out now.

Total weight gain: 35lbs in total. I don't know what happened...

Maternity clothes: Still living in just my maternity trousers or leggings when I go out.. most of the time I don't bother getting dressed anymore! I'm just relaxing in bright pink pyjamas right now.

Sleep: I'm getting around 4 hours of horribly broken sleep at the moment. I try to nap in the day if I can but things have seemed to go hectic all of a sudden.

Movement: I'm still getting regular movement. It's just a lot smaller now - clearly baby is a bit cramped in there!

Food cravings: I'm not craving anything particular - except at about 5am this morning I really wanted pasta and mushrooms..

Gender: I just want to know now!

Labour signs: I've been losing my mucus plug for around a week now - but no blood, which my midwife was dissapointed about. I've been getting cramps that feel like period pain, and have had some really intense contractions but they don't stay for long and never get closer together at all. Braxton Hicks have become even more regular and often quite intense. I'm hoping that labour is just around the corner!

Symptoms: Still getting back and hip pain - baby feels so low and my hips are incredibly painful at night. My joints click and crack alot and throughout the night feel very stiff. I'm really struggling with walking any kind of distance - the 5 minute walk back the doctors took me 20 minutes yesterday for example.

What I'm looking forward to: Baby cuddles. Oh and starting to get things moving along too - I have a sweep tomorrow at home. And then can have one every 2 days after then - so hopefully it won't be much longer!

I have been reading about Squishy's progress each week here so go and have a look. 

Thursday 17 July 2014

Pregnancy Weight Gain

I've never been any kind of skinny Minnie since becoming a teenager - when I got together with the man at 18 I weighed around 11.5 stone and I think that is the smallest I have ever been. I weighed myself at the start of this pregnancy and was 17 stone 4lbs! I've dieted on and off for pretty much all of my adult life so far and just got progressively bigger and bigger, and so I decided that during this pregnancy I wouldn't watch what I ate while pregnant too much. I'd allow myself the cravings and treats if I wanted to and then after the baby is born think about my weight. I don't want to be one of those mums who can't chase after her escaping toddler.


So I weighed myself yesterday. Oh. My. God. 19 stone 11lbs... The heaviest I have ever been by far - and only 3lbs away from 20 stone. I cried. I'm still not going to start dieting before baby is born but I definitely need to watch what I'm eating a bit more - nobody needs to eat as much junk as I have been.

Therefore, I am making it my mission for until baby is here to actually get my 5 portions of fruit and veg a day and drink a minimum of 5 pints of water. The water isn't such an issue - but I don't think I get 5 lots of fruit and veg a WEEK never mind a day! I've gotten so lazy and it shows.

It is 8:15am as I type this and already I have downed 3 pints of water and I had a portion of sultanas on my malt wheats for breakfast. So I'm off to a good start I think. Well, I hope!

I'm terrified of hitting that 20 stone mark. Both of my parents were big when I was growing up - and my dad is even bigger now. I don't want to head down that road. If I hit that figure, I hit it. But at least I know that the food I am putting into my body from this point onwards will be marginally better.

Wish me luck!

Friday 11 July 2014

Squishy Report: 39 Weeks Pregnant

How far gone? 39 weeks - just 1 more to go!

Total weight gain: 30lbs... Been a bad week.

Maternity clothes: I'm down to one pair of leggings and 1 pair of trousers that actually fit now... and the trousers are starting to look tatty at the bottoms. I don't bother getting dressed unless I need to leave the house anymore - no point!

Sleep: I've been getting about 6 hours of broken sleep at night and struggling to nap in the daytime. I decided as I don't need to be ready until 12:45pm today I'm having a lazy day. I had breakfast in bed and have been just relaxing and watching YouTube videos. Thinking of going for a soak soon.

Movement: Movement is still surprisingly great - and no hospital this week! Heart rate was 152 at the midwife appointment which is within the "normal" range. Phew!

Food cravings: I've stopped getting any cravings really this week - although I've been thirsty constantly so feel like I'm drinking about 7 or 8 pints of water a day!

Gender: No idea - I can't wait to know though.

Labour signs: I had Braxton Hicks for about 9 hours yesterday - really painful and to the point where I was considering phoning the labour ward. Baby is 3/5ths engaged too so hopefully it won't be much longer. I'm getting all those pre-labour symptoms - period-like pain, nesting, random spurts of energy, etc too.

Symptoms: Just back and hip pain really. My heartburn has been back a couple of times this week but nowhere near as bad as it was.

What I'm looking forward to: Still just looking forward to my baby. And the proper pain! I've been having so many horrible pains that turn into nothing I just want those real labour pains now!

I have been reading about Squishy's progress each week here so go and have a look. 

Sunday 6 July 2014

Squishy report: 38 weeks pregnant

How far gone? 38 weeks and 2 days now...

Total weight gain: 27lbs - I've gained 2lbs in 2 weeks and am just 1lb away from a 2 stone gain... eek! Definitely going to be trying to lose some weight after baby is here.

Maternity clothes: I mentioned last time that some of my maternity trousers were getting a little uncomfortable... well yesterday I went to put on a pair and the elastic on them actually ripped! Not badly and when I have barely any clothes they are good enough... but still you'd think that clothes designed for pregnancy would be stretchy enough to last the WHOLE of your pregnancy...

Sleep: I get about 4-6 hours a night now and I've been taking some time every afternoon to go for a lie down for about 30 mins to 2 hours - sometimes I fall asleep which is nice.

Movement: Still good - kicks aren't quite as big but I imagine it's pretty cramped in there now. We have been sent up to the hospital to be monitored two weeks in a row for Fetal Tachycardia - which basically means that baby's heart rate is just too fast. In Squishy's case the resting heart rate is just fast and so every time baby moves, and the heart beats faster, it is just out of the realms of "normal". But it's nothing to worry about as the resting heart rate is a decent pace.

Food cravings: Cravings are a little all over the place at the moment. Mainly still savoury though. On Friday afternoon I was craving tomato pasta but I was also craving a bacon sandwich with loads of butter... but I didn't know which I wanted more and I didn't want both... I ended up having pizza with some pasta drizzled with honey and mustard dressing in the end... so neither! And then I had a slice of bread with butter before bed.... shhhh.

Gender: Still no idea. Can't wait to know though!

Labour signs: So everything is just amping up now. Back pain is more intense, Braxton Hicks are stronger.. baby was 4/5ths engaged at my midwife appointment last Wednesday but it feels as though Squishy just isn't as low down anymore so may have disengaged - can they do that?

Symptoms: Back and hip pain. Braxton Hicks. Heartburn is back - not quite so bad but it's not pleasant. I've been getting some nausea and dizziness, and last week I had a few panic attacks - which I have never had before. I've started to get a bit teary for no reason and actually cried to the man the other day that the baby was never going to come and I'd be miserable and pregnant forever... I don't think that is even possible to be honest!

What I'm looking forward to: Squishy! I'm completely fed up of being pregnant now to be honest I just want labour to get going so I can have Squishy cuddles!

I have been reading about Squishy's progress each week here so go and have a look. 

Saturday 5 July 2014

Crafty Pinterest Plans: Harry Potter Edition

So I may have touched on my love for all things Harry Potter before - I bloomin' love it! In my early teens I may have had a Harry Potter bedroom... It has been a huge obsession of mine since we started reading the books in class in year 4 at school.

These Butterbeer cupcakes look amazing. I've always wanted to try Butterbeer but I love cake too... this seems like the perfect combination.
Excuse me while I just go and make this mug...
I wish I could get my hands on a drop of Felix Felicis! This would make such an amazing "Good Luck" gift for a fellow geek.
This quilt! Is it not the most perfect thing you have ever seen?! I wish I could sew just so I could make this.
This alone is reason enough for me to learn to crochet.
I actually think I could manage something like this. My phone would look amazing!
This necklace is so adorable. It would make such a lovely gift.

Oh I wish I was more crafty - I love all of these ideas! Maybe one day I'll actually make one... maybe.

Thursday 3 July 2014

The British Tag

I have just watched Sammi from beautycrush on YouTube do her British Tag and thought I'd give it a go!

1) How many cups of tea do you have a day? And how many sugars? I drink about 2 cups of tea a day (I used to drink 4-5 a day before I was pregnant though!) and have it with 2 sweeteners usually (brown sugar if we have it though - can't stand white sugar in tea) and plenty of milk - but the tea must be brewed properly!
2) Favourite part of your roast? When I cook a Sunday roast my favourite bit is the carrots covered in plenty of thick gravy. But at the man's mum's I love her roast potatoes!
3) Favourite dunking biscuit? I love biscuits, but it has to be chocolate digestive for dunking.
4) Favourite quintessentially British pastime? I love going to the seaside - we go to Blackpool most years, and most of our summer holidays are by the sea. But you have to go when it is absolutely freezing and walk miles and miles with insane winds and rain!
5) Favourite British word? Scone - such controversy!
6) Cockney rhyming slang? I think the only one I know is "apples and pears" for stairs!
7) Favourite sweet? The fried eggs out of Haribo! Or those red cables that are filled with white fondant... Oooo.
8) What would your pub be called? I love crafty things so maybe something like "The Button and Bobbin".
9) No. 1 British person? As a huge Harry Potter fan I'd have to say J. K. Rowling - she made my childhood awesome!
10) Favourite shop/restaurant? I love little crafty shops and old book shops. We don't have many round here. Oh and you can't beat a good old charity shop!
11) What British song pops into your head? Parklife by Blur - no idea why though.
12) Marmite? No no no no no.