Saturday 19 April 2014

Hot Cross Buns

I found this amazing recipe for hot cross buns that looked simple enough for even the most unskilled baker! So gave it a go. They taste amazing! Definitely a recipe to keep.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Squishy Report: 27 weeks pregnant

How far gone? 27 weeks

Total weight gain: 10lbs so far

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.Although I've not really been out so have been living in PJs at home (they're just so comfy!) and if we have to go somewhere I'll throw on waterfall cardigans over a cami, maternity trousers and ballet flats. I'm hoping that some of my skater dresses might still fit for when it's starting to get warmer.

Sleep: I've gone back to being absolutely exhausted again - I had 11 hours sleep last night and could still have a nap this afternoon!

Movement: Squishy's kicks are starting to get quite strong. I have been able to see them from outside my bump for a couple of days now - it is amazing!

Food cravings: Last time I said I'd completely gone off fruit and veg - but now I want salad quite alot. I don't know if that is because of the weather getting warmer or if I'm just craving the nutrients, but I've had some really nice salads this past week.

Gender: No idea!

Labour signs: I've been feeling my bump go from quite soft to really hard every couple of days for about 30 minutes or so - I read this might be the start of Braxton Hicks, but I'll speak to my midwife at my next appointment.

Symptoms: So I have had my Sciatica confirmed by the doctor, although there isn't alot I can do other than some simple stretches and taking paracetamol. Not long left at work now so I'm hoping that once I finish and am able to relax more the pains won't be so hard to deal with. Also my heartburn got even worse (I didn't think it was possible) and is now so bad that I've had chest pains a few times and the past couple of days I've been actually throwing up with it. My doctor recommended Gaviscon so I'm going to see how I get on with that.

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling Squishy get stronger and looking forward to maternity leave when I can start relaxing and preparing for our little arrival.

I have been reading about Squishy's progress each week here so go and have a look. 

Sunday 6 April 2014

What is making me happy this week? #2

1) Fun night out - On Monday we went to see Jason Manford at a local theatre.. he was absolutely hilarious! Everytime we go see a comedian I just want to go to more and more!

2) Cosy nights in - I love curling up with a nice fleecy blanket on a chilly night. Yesterday we bought Frozen to watch - it was amazing - and all 3 of us got under the duvet in our pyjamas with hot chocolate and treats to have a nice family night in. I love those nice family moments.

3) Wriggly baby - Squishy moves more and more everyday. Before I was never feeling movement at work due to rushing around all day, but this week I've been feeling loads of little Squishy kicks throughout my day.

4) Cheeky takeaway - Every so often the boyfriend and I treat ourselves to a takeaway. We had a voucher for £10 off a £25 order for our local Indian so decided to be bad! We ordered WAY too much food... I ate about half mine and then saved the rest for Saturday's lunch... whereas being all manly he forced his entire mountain of food down... and still had room for pudding! We are definite foodies in this house.

5) Hot chocolate - I am a huge chocoholic but I only have hot chocolate when it is freezing cold or if I am ill. This weekend I have had that horrendous cold that is going round at the moment and so dug out the tub of Options Belgian Choc - I must have had at least 3 cups yesterday! It's like this powdered chocolate mixed with hot water just makes everything feels a million times better.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Squishy report: 25 weeks pregnant

How far gone? 25 weeks

Total weight gain: 8lbs so far...  gained nothing for the first 4 or 5 months and now I feel like I'm just piling the weight on!

Maternity clothes: Nothing new. But loving my H + M trousers with cheap Primark camis and waterfall cardigans this week. It looks put together but at the same time feels like pyjamas!

Sleep: Not getting much of it. I have started feeling horrible pains shooting up and down my back and legs. Which has resulted in a sleepless night, and then two nights of broken sleep. I'm just trying to take painkillers and see if it'll help.

Movement: Squishy moves even more now. All day long at work and yesterday when I pushed my hand into my belly it felt like the baby was pushing back - so cute!

Food cravings: Nothing this week. Although I just don't crave fruit or veg anymore - I just want to eat junk!

Gender: Still not a clue.

Labour signs: None! Luckily!

Symptoms: This week I've had those back and leg pains (it could be Sciatica so I need to get myself into the doctors), heartburn (making a big return.. but may just be related to the amount of junk food I have eaten lately.. I've been bad!) and I was feeling quite low earlier in the week.

What I'm looking forward to: Just continuing to enjoy baby's movements. 

I have been reading about Squishy's progress each week here so go and have a look. I found it so interesting. This week baby is the size of a cauliflower!