Tuesday 9 September 2014

10 parenting surprises so far..

1) Babies have no control of their limbs
I have love count of the times little Oscar has been watching his hands and then punched himself in the face. Or been crying for a bottle but his hands have swiped it away. It is the strangest thing to see. Hopefully he'll get some control soon!
2) You will be covered in vomit head to toe...and you won't care
Babies are sick sometimes. Oscar has projectile vomitted all over himself, me, the sofa, the carpet, his bouncer... tonight he even managed to get it in his own eye! And all I ever think is how to clean him up. It doesn't bother me one bit!
3) On a regular basis you'll find yourself surprised that this little baby is yours
He's 8 weeks old on Saturday and I still look at him at least once a day in awe. I can't believe I get to keep such a beautiful little thing.
4) Those dirty nappies that everyone goes on about? They won't bother you at all
When I was pregnant all everyone went on about was how my life would be filled with dirty nappies - and it is! Some pretty gross, explosive ones! And not once have I recoiled in horror. I've surprised myself that, as someone with a weak stomach usually, I've not cared at all.
5) You will forget what it feels like to eat a meal without holding your baby/feeding your baby/bouncing your baby with your feet in their bouncer...
Everyone I speak to swears that babies have this "food sensor". As soon as I even think about eating he cries! I now eat all meals with a foot on his bouncer to keep him settled.
6) Baby boys like to pee on the changing table. You'll quickly learn to spot the signs
Oscar likes to wee when I'm changing it. I swear he aims it at me as well. I've learnt to spot when it is about to happen now and I quickly cover him up... and then duck out of the firing line!
7) You'll develop a mental checklist for when your baby cries.
Does he need changing? Feeding? Burping? Too hot? Too cold? It's always something!
8) You will be busy all day and get nothing done
I don't stop from the minute I wake up until the minute I go to bed...and then I'm up in the night too! So why is my house such a tip?
9) Sometimes bad things happen. And you will cope.
For example, yesterday I changed him. First he started to pee. Then as soon as that little episode finished he vomitted, and while I was trying to wipe up the sick he started to poo. A lot.
10) People tell you about this amazing feeling of love you'll experience once your baby is born - but it is so much stronger than you'll expect
I knew I loved my little baby when I was pregnant but the minute I heard his crying when he was born I loved him more than I expected. It was so much that for the first 2 weeks every time I thought about how much I loved him I was so overwhelmed that I cried..

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